The Sleepy Lion is the very first independent hostel for backpackers in Leipzig.
Located right in the heart of the city, we are close to theatres, clubs, bars, museums, sights, shopping centres and the main train station. Every room comes with its own shower and toilet. The bar and reception are open 24/7, and we serve breakfast till 11am for only € 3.50. We have a pool table and cheap internet access -, we're simply backpacker-friendly!
Discover the city of Bach and Goethe, and the starting point for the peaceful political upheavals of autumn 1989. Leipzig is one of the most vibrant cities in Germany with a fascinating night scene. And the best thing is that you can travel around the city on our excellent Swiss army bikes which are available to rent for only € 5 a day.
There are not many German cities where you can do windsurfing, sailing, diving, kite-surfing and other water sports, but all these sports are available in Leipzig, at two large lakes, 'Lake Kulkwitz' and 'Lake Cospuden', both about 20 minutes away by car or public transport.
Just ask us when you check in.
Let's Go Germany 2003 said '...operated by young locals and conveniently adjacent to the city's night scene, the Sleepy Lion draws a broadly international crowd...'
Lonely Planet Germany 2005 stated'.
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